The Three Tires You Need to Know for ATV Riding

ATV Tire

ATV Tire Prime Electric Auto


ATV Tire All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are great off-roading vehicles for both recreational and professional riding. Because they’re designed to go over many types of terrain, from rocky to sandy, you may think that whatever tires they come with will suit all your needs.

However, the truth is that there are some specialized sets of wheels you may want to acquire for certain types of riding. Maxey’s Motorsports in Oklahoma City is your Oklahoma ATV dealer. To help you determine the proper tires for the type of riding you want to do, we’ve outlined the three primary types below. Bring us any questions you may have about all-terrain vehicles! ATV Tire

All-Terrain Tires

Most ATVs are going to come out of the factory equipped with all-terrain tires that are generally suited to most types of riding. They’re not designed with any one type of terrain in mind; rather, they’re made to be usable on many different types of terrain. Some types maybe a little more specialized, but overall, this is just the standard tire you’ll get when you first purchase your quad. It’s important to always have these on-hand regardless of the other types you may get!

Sand Tires

Riding over dunes or across the beach will require something more suited to the loose material. If you don’t have tires made for sand riding, your ATV is more likely to sink into the sand and fail to gain any traction. Sand tires are specifically designed with paddle-type ridges in them that can push the sand backwards, allowing your ATV to get traction. It’s similar to the way that steamboats push water back to move the craft forward.

One caveat you should be aware of with sand tires is that their paddles are only suitable for riding over loose material. If you try to take your sand tires on a paved surface or hard-pack dirt, you’re going to find it very hard to travel at all and you’ll immediately wear down or shred up the paddles, rendering the tires useless for any type of riding at all.

Mud Tires

Riding through mud requires you to have tires that have a good grip to improve your traction. Mud tires are designed with large knobs that can sink into and grip muddy, wet ground so that you don’t slip around or struggle to move ahead.

The versatility of mud tires means that you can use them on other wet, slippery terrain like snow or slush. You’ll get good weight distribution and much better traction than you would with other types of tires. However, the knobs can’t be ridden on dry, hard-pack trails without seriously damaging them, just like sand tires.

Other Types

While the three types above are the primary styles you’ll find when you shop for quad tires, there are a few more specialized options that you may require. We don’t get much snow here in Oklahoma, but if you travel to snowy or icy places for your off-roading adventures, you may want snow tires. If you’re a racer, you can find wheels that are lighter in weight and better for reaching higher speeds.

If you have questions about tires, bring them to us! And if you still need to find an ATV, then visit our dealership in OKC to see our full stock of new and used ATVs for sale. You can also talk to our staff about the different types of tires you could use on your vehicle. We offer financing and trade options to help you get the ATV you need. Prime Electric Auto proudly serves all of our Sooner State customers in the cities of Tulsa and Edmond, Oklahoma, Nationwide and the World.

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